More Dark Lord Stuff

After a long silence, more stuff! Here's some more imagery from the covers I did for Bloomsbury's Dark Lord series. If you haven't picked it up, it's a really fun maniacally awesome read.I don't have any amazing commentary on this, except that I'm still trying hard to make my final illustrations as lively as the sketches.


Benjamin Turkey

I made a series of illustrations recently for ilearn4fun. This story was about a turkey who eats stuff. That's pretty much the entire plot. Anyway, here are a couple of images from that. I wanted to create a flat, Eric Carle-esque look.Oh, and Benjamin is French. Hence, the awesome bowtie. (I also included a little history and made Benjamin look a tad like Benjamin Franklin.)

Sneak Peek

Here's a glimpse of a project I'm working on. It's already a completed dummy*. (This is a big deal. The process leading up to the book dummy takes forever.) Here's hoping an editor somewhere likes it...* A 'dummy' is a picture book mockup that helps editors decide whether you will succeed in life.

The Coolest Elf

I was just thinking of all of Santa's elves who made it big after leaving the North Pole. This guy's name came up.


I made this image for Highlights magazine a couple of years ago but never posted it. There. Now I have. It was a full-page illustration for a poem about making a jack-o-lantern out of the moon.

Master and Man

Leo Tolstoy is one of my favorite authors, as you may know. So I thought I'd make a book cover for one of my favorite stories by him.

Traveling Pigeon

Pigeons sometimes get a bad rap for being dirty and kinda dumb – which I never understood since pigeons and doves are pretty much the same thing except for their size and coloring. Anyway, this pigeon apparently doesn't worry about that. He travels the world without a care. Another few images from an iPad book for ilearn4free.