
I’ve been giving a lot of thought to whether I should start up my blog again. I know, I know—nobody reads blogs anymore. But I’ve dabbled with Instagram over the years, and while I think IG is fine, I can feel its gravitational pull to mindlessly use it to excess, and I find there’s a lot of pressure (imagined or otherwise) to produce for it. For whatever reason, I also feel the work I publish on IG needs to be more polished, and I dislike that. I want to be able to talk about and share my work without commentary—more as a creative exercise for myself than as a showcase.

Also, I’m trying to write more. I’ve illustrated more than 25 books at this point, which is great, but I want to write my own stuff, so I need the practice. This year, I’m hoping to write my own book. I say that every year but haven’t really pushed myself to do it. 2021’s gonna be the year.

And so, after a prolonged hiatus, I’m going to start posting again.